React Flow

React Flow

Build powerful AI agent workflows with our React Flow components powered by Vercel AI SDK.

React Flow Components for AI Workflows

Our React Flow components provide a powerful foundation for building interactive AI agent workflows. Inspired by React Flow's component library and enhanced with AI capabilities through the Vercel AI SDK, these components enable you to create sophisticated AI workflows through a visual, drag-and-drop interface.


We've built a suite of specialized React Flow components designed specifically for AI workflows:

  • AI Ready Nodes: Pre-built nodes for text generation, prompt crafting, and more
  • Custom Edges: Smart connections with built-in state management
  • Interactive Handles: Editable connection points for dynamic workflow configuration

Key Features

  • 🔌 Vercel AI SDK Integration: Built-in support for streaming responses and state management
  • 🎨 shadcn/ui Styling: Beautiful, consistent design using Tailwind CSS
  • 📦 Copy-Paste Ready: Install components directly using the shadcn CLI
  • 🔄 Real-time Updates: Live preview of AI agent interactions
  • 🎮 Interactive Design: Drag-and-drop interface for building workflows

The tech stack

Our React Flow components are built on top of:

AI Agent Examples

We provide complete examples of AI agent workflows inspired by Anthropic's article on building effective agents. Visit our AI Agents page to explore:

  • Chain Workflow: Multi-step content creation with quality checks and content transformation pipelines
  • Routing Workflow: Directs incoming requests to specialized processes based on content type
  • Parallelization Workflow: Handles multiple tasks simultaneously with optional result aggregation
  • Orchestrator-Workers Workflow: Uses a coordinator to distribute tasks to specialists based on requirements

Each example is fully functional and can be copied directly into your project using the shadcn CLI:

pnpm dlx shadcn@latest add

Learn More

Join us in building the future of AI workflows - one component at a time.